An affordable packaging solution for chocolate gifts, costume jewellery, marketing giveaways, wedding favours, and everyday accessories, custom printed pillow boxes offer exceptional value for money. When professionally printed using advanced techniques, they can elevate the most basic of product into an object of luxury, while encouraging your target market to find out more about your brand.
Karton: Micro Flute E-Welle, Kroma Karton
Druck: CMYK-Offsetdruck
Veredelung: Lack
Gedruckte Wellpapschachteln, Produktverpackungen, Lagerung, Fracht- und Postlieferungen und Lieferung sind eine robuste und ausgezeichnete Verpackungslösung. Sie können es sicher in Ihrer inländischen und internationalen Lieferung verwenden.
Lassen Sie Ihre Marke um die Welt reisen!
Vitamins always have an important place for the body to have a vigorous structure, to protect against diseases and to continue life more actively.
In this context, vitamins can be taken from natural foods or sometimes added to the body on a daily basis through vitamin supplements. In this respect, there are products such as vitamin supplement boxes needed in product presentations to be used by companies that turn the vitamins that people need into a supplement.
These boxes, which we produce as Furkan Ofset Matbaa, are actually presented as a kind of medicine box. However, since these products are in the food supplement category, not in the drug category, they can be placed on the market in packages in accordance with certain regulations to the extent permitted by the official authorities.
Together with our professional team, we produce special solutions for our valued customers.
We are ready to be your solution partner from the design stage to the final point of manufacturing, including packaging and shipment, in line with your needs.
Individuell bedrucktes Seidenpapier verleiht Ihrem Produkt eine ganz besondere Note. Papiere sind von 17 g/m² bis 40 g/m² in den Farben Weiß und Schwarz erhältlich.
Matière : Carton Blanc
Forme : Pot à pâtes rond, type pasta noodle ou doner box
Déscription: Ce pot à pâtes est empilables à vide pour un gain de place, il est écologique , personnalisable , imprimable avec plus de 6 couleurs.
Utilisations : Ces pots à pâtes sont refermables facilement, ils conviendront parfaitement à la livraison de vos plats à domicile, ou à la vente à emporter de vos plats chauds : pâtes en sauce, riz...
Avec 3 Fermetures differentes
En 3 dimensions 16 Oz, 26 Oz et 32 Oz
KPY3000 - Seau rond de 3 200 ml - Paquet de Masse Rond
Code du produit:KPY3000
Volume (ml):3200
Camion:60.000 Qualité
Conteneur de 20 mcx:32.000 Qualité
Conteneur de 40 mcx:50.000 Qualité
Perfect solution for nuggets, chicken wings and french fries
Made from recyclable resources
Non-la mi noted
(can order custom design, vie and cokxr)CHICKEN BOX LARGE 197X200X45
Case Quantity:200
Case Size:450x310x140
>> Dimensions 30 x 30 x h 4.5 cm
>> Weight 145 g/ ±3%
Ideal for storing and cleaning eggs. These durable trays have a capacity of 30 chicken eggs, allowing manufacturers to transport and stack quickly.
Aytav egg trays have specially designed openings in all cones and tips to provide better circulation of water and air and have superior cleaning ability.
E, B, C, BC, EB dalga oluklu mukavvalardan üretilebilir. Genellikle üst üste istiflenen ürünler arasında bir bölme olarak kullanılır. Bir koli veya palet içinde raf görevi görür. Ürünler arasında bağlantı sağlayarak dağılmalarını ve çökmelerini engeller, mukavemeti arttırır. Oluklu Mukavva Seperatörler, istenilen palet veya kolinin iç ölçülerine göre istenilen ölçülerde üretilebilmektedir.
Penye seperatörler istenilen kalite ve ebatlarda üretilebilmektedir. Tarak şeklinde kanallar açılarak kesilen seperatörlerin birbirine dik açı yapacak şekilde artı şeklinde monte edilmesiyle oluşturulur.
Piiza Kutusu üretiyoruz. Her türlü kağıt kalitesinde ve her boyutta pizza kutusu üretiyoruz. İsterseniz kilitli pizza kutusu, isterseniz standart pizza kutusu.
They are demanded to align and save damageable parts and materials of automotive, home appliance, defense, electronic, aerospace, retail, and medical sectors neatly and safely.
Produced from durable foam.
•Design with technical drawing on the PC.
•Laser cut is used.
•Can be produced desired dimension, thick and sizes.
•There are fabric and PE corded canvas lid options.
•Can be applied into corex boxes, crate and container.
Sorumluluk Reddi: Burada gösterilen tüm ticari markalar ve resimler yalnızca üretim yeteneklerimize örnektir, satış amaçlı değildir ve ilgili sahiplerinin mülkiyetindedir.
Our metal boxes are extra durable. Best solution for stocking area and logistics management. We are able to stamp your company logo on the boxes. Different type of coating and paintings are available.
Standart Sizes (mm);
Bu kutular sayesinde tüm değerli oyuncaklar hediyelik eşyalar daha değerli ve güvende. Kutu-kapak, mıknatıslı kapak veya pencereli modellerle çeşitliliği zenginleştirebilirsiniz de.
The universal tensile tester is used for performing tension, pressure or bending tests. The classic application is the tensile test. This involves subjecting a sample to an increasing tensile load until it breaks. Servo controlled , long travel extensometer , ball screw , double column , USB computer controlled , windows based software • - Easy operation and clear visualization (test curves, calculations) via integrated touch display 16″ • - Easy to change the grips via male-female connection • - Accuracy: ±0.5% of full scale • - Precise, self-cleaning ball-screw • - Brush-less servo motor quarantine maintenance-free operation • - Easy calibration of load-cell • - Socket connection of extensometer as standard option